As a psychologist working in Plymouth for more than twenty-five years, I provide psychological services for people across the life span. My psychological services include psychological assessment, and psychotherapy for children, adolescents, adults, couples and families. Psychological assessment includes intellectual, educational and personality testing. I specialize in evaluating and treating troubled children, adolescents, adults; evaluating and treating those suspected of having attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, learning, and associated disorders, and difficulties such as depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety. I do couples and family therapy. I consult to judges and attorneys and serve as a Parent Coordinator, and mediator in high conflict divorce.
In a confidential setting, psychotherapy helps to revitalize the morale of patients so they can face reality, correct faulty coping strategies, improve communication skills, and help restore the normal developmental processes sometimes distorted by painful life events. Psychotherapy helps most people---the discontented, the emotionally unsteady, the misbehaving, and the shaken. Given our scientific knowledge base, this is the best time in human history to seek help for psychological disorders and family stress.
Yet most people who have treatable psychological difficulties never seek help. During my terms as President of the Michigan Psychological Association (1998), and on the Executive Council of the American Psychological Association (1999 – 2002) my colleagues and I had the opportunity to advocate for improving access to quality psychological services on behalf of families. (Psychological Evaluation) I welcome the opportunity to be of help to you. Sincerely, Steven J. Ceresnie, Ph.D., P.C.